Leo Ascendant and Moon Forecast for May / June 2021

Magha, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

Leo Natives, this is the time for you to work on self-improvement. You may have been feeling a sense of detachment, or a void in your heart lately. And the only thing that will help you fill full or complete right now is knowledge. If you have a spiritual bent of mind, you should find yourself a spiritual mentor, or you can find yourself a spiritual book, or you can find yourself some educational course. If you can do any of this, you should at least help your father out. Your father may require some physical help from you, so be mindful of that.

Some of you may be thinking about turning a love interest into a marriage, however your focus seems to be more on the ceremony and events rather than simply tying the knot, and the current transits want you to consider your practical restraints. Those of you who are single are in a dedicated search, but again the list of things you expect from a partner is very long. You seek perfection which to be honest doesn’t exist. So, focus more on friendship. Right now you should be looking for someone who is practical, humble and understands your struggles.

When it comes to work, you are looking for new opportunities, and you might even get something within the first week of June. However, I would urge you to wait until after June 10th once the solar eclipse passes to finalize any new contracts or make decisions in general. The same opportunity that seems great right now might seem very difficult and cause a lot of friction in your life later. So, you need to make sure you think it though, and take advice from others before making any decisions.

During this Mercury retrograde, you may be putting extra efforts and looking for unconventional means to increase your income. The key right now to increase your abundance would be re-kindling your friendships. Your peers, friends, and networks can help you find ways to earn more so, focus on networking.

In terms of health, you have to make sure that you are highly disciplined this month. With a solar eclipse and Saturn retrograde, you need to ensure you follow all the fitness rules, dietary rules you make for yourself, and follow any advice you receive regarding your health routine. If you face digestive issues, increase your fibre intake. Green salad sprinkled with sesame seeds & oil should help in improving your digestive woes.

Magha Natives: It is going to be a mixed month for you, you would be facing some obstacles, especially when it comes to work and in terms of partnerships whether in business or marriage. The Saturn transit is good for you, so your employees, or help, like your maid, driver, etc. mean well for you right now. Helping them in need will bring some relief to your obstacles. The second half of June will be more favorable, so try to plan any major plans around that time.

Nakshatra Specific:

Magha Natives

It is going to be a mixed month for you, you would be facing some obstacles, especially when it comes to work and in terms of partnerships whether in business or marriage. The Saturn transit is good for you, so your employees, or help, like your maid, driver, etc. mean well for you right now. Helping them in need will bring some relief to your obstacles. The second half of June will be more favorable, so try to plan any major plans around that time.

Purva Phalguni

It is not a favorable for you. If you are running a positive dasha then things might be okay, but in general transits don’t seem too positive. Try to lay low. Your health might not be so good recently, try to do some yoga if you can. Donate shoes to someone in need and if your spouse or a friend has some advice for you take it very seriously. Apply turmeric saffron tilak on your forehead, atleast for a few hours in the morning everyday this month.

Uttara Phalgun

This month shows a lot of achievement & potential for success at work for you but in this process you can jeopardize some relationships. It could be your close friends or partner, who you aren’t able to maintain a balance with. So, it would be a good exercise for you to take some time to think, who are the important people in your life and then making sure that you find some time for them.


  1. Stick to your health routine. If you can’t do much, at least do 10 sets of Surya Namaskar every day.

  2. There may be some debates in your friend groups, try to improve your communication with them.

  3. Take care of your mother. Gift her some pearl or silver jewelry if you can.

  4. If your employees or helpers at home have any complaints or advice, be a good listener & pay attention to what they have to say.

  5. Donate shoes, & wheat based foods, to manual laborers or the homeless.
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