Aries Ascendant and Moon Forecast for July 2021

Until 20th July you would be feeling a bit restless at heart, but focusing on work will get you through this. Although due to all the retrogrades, you will feel some friction and obstacles in completing your work, you can manage everything if you remain persistent. You are going to get benefits and good results from your work.

On the home front, you can consider making some improvements at home. You could be spending on home décor, luxury items, and new bedsheets, whatever it is, make sure you are keeping the Vastu of your home in mind, and you are buying things which bring a positive influence. On impulse you can make some changes at your home which aren’t good for you, so just be mindful of that.

You can also think about buying a Vehicle at this time. If you do this would mostly be out of necessity, not so much of an impulse purchase, and in your frugalness, make sure you don’t miss out on any important mechanical flaw. Get the vehicle double checked from an expert.

With Rahu and Mercury in your 2nd house, you can hurt people with your sharp comments and satire. So, be careful about that. You will however, have an immense capacity to earn and increase your wealth, congratulations, but make sure you are doing so through honest means.

On the Love front, you can plan some trips with your loved one, you could be thinking about splurging on some exotic experiences. But at the same time you could have some ego issues, so keep that in check and focus on having a good time with each other. Be respectful towards each other, that’s very important. Reading each other some classical or Victorian type of poetry, something that’s classy can be a good way to bond with each other this month.


  1. Don’t eat too much Junk food this month. Eat Healthy.

  2. Visit Durga Temple. Give chocolates to your cousins, & kids at home.

  3. Be mindful when making comments or satire, especially when it comes to loved ones, you might hurt their feelings.

  4. If you are facing skin irritation, use Neem based liquids or water boiled with Neem to clear your skin.

  5. Take a glass of warm milk with honey, if you are feeling too restless. 

  6. Read some classical, Victorian type of poetry for your loved one.

  7. If you have accumulated too many old shoes, donate the ones which are usable and throw away the rest.
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