Gemini Ascendant and Moon Forecast for July 2021

The beginning of July is going to be a bit rough for you. With Rahu & Mercury in your 12th H, you could be struggling with anxiety issues, sleeplessness, and some of you may even be dealing with unwanted litigation. Your expenses might also be worrying you right now, and you could be struggling to make any savings in the beginning of this month.

Those of you in love, will feel passionate about your love interest this month. You are highly attached emotionally, and communicating constantly. However, any distance from your loved one, will make you easily agitated and you must make sure you don’t let that frustration cause arguments between the two of you. This is a good time for you to go out for romantic dinner dates or even cooking a nice dinner for your loved one.

On health front, you may have been lazy in the past months, and now you would be realizing that you need to make some efforts to stay healthy. Taking up a hobby that helps you improve your health and process your emotions will be helpful this month. Walking in any park in your neighborhood can be a simple and easy start for you.

With Sun on your ascendant, you can also have a temper this month. Make sure you are mindful of what you say to people, especially with Rahu in your 12th house, many of your assumptions about others may only be a misunderstanding.

Between June 8th and 10th, good communication can bring some positive changes for you in life. Mark your calendar, and stay positive.

On work front, you could be feeling detached or demotivated currently. You would need to make extra efforts to get your work done, especially in the first half of the month. Try not to take big projects, Break your tasks in smaller pieces and then approaching them will help you get through.


  1. Drink some Honey mixed in warm water this month.

  2. Gift someone Aloe Vera Gel in the first week of July.

  3. Clean your washroom and sinks every Saturday.

  4. Offer Laddoos at your place of worship.

  5. Manage your Anger, especially when sending communication.
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