Embrace New Beginnings with the New Moon in Bharani at 23°50 Sidereal Aries!

Written by Jamie Epstein

It’s Tuesday, May 7, & we have a New Moon in Aries, in the starspace called Bharani. Aries vibrates with the frequency of new beginnings, of boldly going where we’ve never gone before. if we’re going to begin again, it’s helpful to have a beginner’s mind, to let go of our preconceptions, take our critical, egoic (iI know how to do this!) mind offline. this is where Bharani comes in handy.

Bharani is ruled by Yama, who gets a bad rep as the god of death, but death isn’t the end, it’s just an experience along our journey, the ending of one incarnation that leads to the next, the shedding of a layer. this asterism is, in fact, related to birth, as “Bharani” comes from the Sanskrit verb that means “to bear” & the three stars that form it (the brightest, 41 Arietis, is smack-dab in the center of the photo) look like an upside-down triangle, or a yoni, the female organ of reproduction, which is where spirit takes form & the passageway through which that new life emerges into the world.

New Moon is the union of Sun & Moon, Masculine & Feminine – same-same as the fertilization process that produces new life, whether plant or animal. Sun, exalted in Aries, is an extra-powerful force of purification & illumination on this dark moon, on our dark mind; for as moon wanes to nothingness, our shadows – our negative tendencies & limiting beliefs – become more & more apparent.

Just as Moon sacrifices her light to the light of the Sun, it’s time to ask ourselves what we get to sacrifice, what habits, mental clutter, perhaps people, we need to spring-clean away. & Bharani gives us the power to let go of what doesn’t serve, of the baggage we won’t need going forward.

The struggle to create something new is real, so it’s best to focus on our long-term gains rather than fearing our short-term pain/losses – how else could women endure the hours & hours of labor to birth a baby?!

So our New Moon work involves focusing on what we want to create, which will make the letting go way less painful. what is preventing you from evolving? What do you get to axe outta your life so you can begin, boldly (!), again, so you can be all you are meant to be?

And that’s your daily bliss! which is a sort of lunar weather report. may it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.

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