Pisces Ascendant and Moon Forecast for May / June 2021

PurvaBhadrapada, UttaraBhadrapada & Revati Nakshatra

Pisces Natives, those of you who have taken to spirituality are diving deeper into your mind, and might feel much at peace. If you haven’t you may be feeling lost and disconnected. It is time to connect to the Universe, Pisces, so try to explore spirituality right now.


In the current transits, you may have lost your apettite, you might have taken to dieting, and I just want to remind you to make sure it is done in healthy manner. Don’t overdo it, take care of your health.


Current transits show a lot of emphasis, on efforts and communication for you. Whether you are trying to make a business out of your hobby or strike a partnership, clear strategy and well drafted contracts are of utmost importance for you. Make sure that you double check every paper before you sign anything. If you have a crush on someone in your neighbourhood, if you have a hidden love, be cautious, it can be revealed.

Although, there is such a heavy lockdown, if you somehow do get a chance to drive, maybe go for a road trip? Be careful, you may get a fine this month.

On the work front, those who are working online or for foreign companies may be having a good time, but others are currently struggling. Your increments are small and slow, but persevere and work hard all of of your efforts will eventually pay off. Right now you may be shy to network or connect with friends, but try to do so. A good way to bond can be sharing each other’s struggles.

On love front pisces, it is a time when life gives some harsh lessons. Don’t let any negative events in your love life, dampen your spirits, all lessons, sweet or sour are ultimately to help us grow. Things should get better in July. Meanwhile, a good remedy for you is to collect rainwater, soak in rain if it’s raining where you are and wear pearls.

Nakshatra Specific:

PurvaBhadrapada Natives

 Don’t go out much, isolate. There is a strong possibility, of you either getting sick or getting into some sort of quarrel on a short trip, in your neighbourhood or as a result of some communication you send. So, stay in, meditate. It’s always better to dive deep into yourself before going out and picking a battle. A good remedy for you would be to donate assorted food supplies to any neighbourhood temple, gurudwara, mosque, church, any place or group which is helps those in need.

Uttarabhadrapada Natives

Overall the current transits are highly favourable to you. It is a great time to do creative work, do new paper-work, contracts, and make achievements through them. Those jobs may be extra worried though. If you might even have lost someone, or something precious. Things should get better in that regard in July. If it is bothering a lot, I would suggest finding a counselor, guru or guide to talk to.

Revati Natives:

  1. You have been having some difficulties from some time now. There have been issues at home and in the neighbourhood as well. Things should ease up by mid-June. If you involved in online work, you can make strides there, right now you might even find some great guidance online. Helping people with food and donating blood or even serum will be specially lucky for you these couple of months.


  1. Pisces Natives, talk to your friends. Share your struggles, and help them unconditionally right now if required.

  2. Donate food kits if you can afford to.

  3. With Saturn & Ketu’s aspecting, & Ju in 12th H, some of you may be struggling mentally and emotionally. Do yoga and meditation, if you feel lost of disconnected. If matters get worse, seek talk to your mother or seek professional help. 
  4. Schedule some mobile breaks for yourself. You may be overdoing it.

  5. Gift chocolates. To kids in the neighborhood or even if you have a love interest nearby your home.
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