“This week in the Stars”
by Alexis Cox (radhahomeyoga)
6th – 13th January 2023
The week begins with the Moon in Leo the sign of our authority and power, receiving a one-way gaze from Mars in Taurus. We desire to have fun, yet with the Sun still in Capricorn, six houses away, we may be feeling how much physical labor we still have to do to maintain our positions of leadership. We also have to transform emotionally in order to feel connected to what makes us big in this world. Venus and Saturn are still across the way in Aquarius reminding us again and again the answer is to be humble and committed to each individual relationship as we navigate our group dynamics. The more we can establish what boundaries are essential with others, the more we can relax into them:)

The afternoon of Wednesday, the 8th the Moon moves into Virgo on the star Uttaraphalguni, indicating contracts must be made. Jupiter’s gaze across the way is helping us see the big picture and relate the details to our dreams. By evening on Friday, the 10th the Moon moves into Libra, offering us a weekend of pleasure, beauty and flirting! On Saturday, the 11th, the Moon will pass over the South node, Ketu, and we might feel cut off from our feelings, so don’t forget to check in with your heart, even as you make sure everyone else is happy.