“This week in the Stars”
by Alexis Cox (radhahomeyoga)
15th May – 21st May 2023
This week begins the Sun & Mars start fresh in feminine signs of earth & water. The Sun in Taurus focuses on gardening, cooking, sensual pleasure & art. When aligned with our values, we create an abundant & enjoyable life. This can be a difficult for leadership as the bull doesn’t like to follow & our power can be diffused if it is used to just feel good.
This week starts out with your head in the clouds, & a desire to curl up at home. Your ruling planet Mars is debilitated in Cancer, you will be less social & more in tune with your feelings. If you feel like you are always giving & others are not reciprocating, it is likely that you create this dynamic. Ask for what you need & share your feelings. The New Moon sets off a cycle of your values; money, possessions, what you care about & your own inherent value.
This week your heart is in community & the Sun brings you power & authority directly. Your ruling planet keeps you in tune with your values & focuses on your finances! Your relationship planet is debilitated in your 3rd house of will & effort, if might feel like you are ‘holding up’ your relationship alone. Share the burden, have some faith & share your needs with your partner or other relation. Take responsibility for your feelings & reactions. This New Moon sets off a cycle of Self, your own identity & how you show up in the world & wield your inner power.
This week starts off with a feeling of motion, as your ruling planet is in your 11th house of community & Mars has moved off your rising sign, taking some of the heat off of your person! He is entering your 2nd house of value & finances, & brings some potential debt or hard work you must do in order to achieve your highest ambitions for the next month & a half. Venus in the first brings pleasure & creativity & this New Moon sets off a cycle of letting go, loss, surrender & exploring your subconscious through meditation & your dreams.
This week your focus is on your dharma, the calling to truth you can feel within. On 17th-19th, your focus will shift to how to show up for your responsibilities in the world. With Mars newly in your first house, you experience a lot through your identity; creativity, children & your status & reputation. It can feel intense & fiery. Allow yourself to step into the fire—create disciplined routines & get courageous & vulnerable! This New Moon sets of a cycle of community & your highest vision & desire for the world.
This week starts off with a transformational push that allows you to let go of some of the fear you have felt attached to. As the week progresses, you will release attachments even around your beliefs & what you know to be true. The Sun is your ruling planet and joining the Moon for the New Moon cycle now in Taurus for the next month, you will be focused on career, status, & your external responsibilities.
The week begins with you feeling how your one-to-one relationships help you find your place in society/community. As the week progresses, you will find some unexpected twists & turns both in your relations & in your own life! Where are you not being fully honest with yourself? The New Moon sets off a cycle of higher truth, wisdom and teachings for you.
The week starts off with you feeling how much work you have to do to upkeep the things you love & the relationships you have. The 17th & 18th, you will be focused on your relationships themselves, & perhaps what they are teaching you. The New Moon in Taurus begins a cycle of facing your deepest fears, transformation & expecting the unexpected.
The week begins with your focus on what you love most: children, creativity, & whatever lights you up! As the week moves forward, you will face the hard work that all this brings into your life, but also how when its in service of what you love, it feels aligned. Your ruling planet in the 9th now until June 30th indicates that now is a time for you to glean the higher wisdom & take it in. The New Moon sets off a cycle of relationships and finding your truth in them.
The week begins with the focus on your home & heart, & any fears you may have about what is out of your control. The 17th-18th you have an opportunity to really connect with what you love & transform your relationship to that. The New Moon starts a cycle of hard work & service for you, giving you the lesson that if you show up for the details, you can mitigate much of the chaos.
This week begins with a focus on what you believe you can do to “help” your relationships. Mars moving into your relationships house can bring a little fight to your romantic connections as well as bringing your home, heart & community into this realm. The best thing you can do is to focus on your own capacity to grow in relational understanding & communication. The New Moon is setting off a new cycle of children, creativity and anything you love like a child.
The week starts out with a focus on your value, money & any debts or work you owe to others. The 17th-18th will bring you into your will & a desire to learn new skills to alleviate the hard work you have to do. The New Moon in Taurus sets off a cycle of home, cars, finding peace in your heart, & motherhood.
The week begins with you feeling your emotions & holding what you love close to yourself. As the week progresses, finances and values, especially as related to children or what you love may surface. The New Moon in Taurus is starting a new cycle of will, ego and learning new skills for you.