Healing from the outside in

“This week in the Stars”

by Radha Home

29th May – 4th June 2023

This week begins with our Moon fresh in Virgo, reminding us to tend to the details of agreements we make with ourselves and others, and to organize and purify our bodies and environments. With the Sun in the 9th house from our Moon, we can allow our beliefs and ideals particularly around health, medicine/food, and wellness to be our guiding star for the next few days.

On the 30th, Venus joins Mars in Cancer and we can be prepared to feel under appreciated. Venus struggles in Cancer to find boundaries around how we love our significant others and adults. We often default to mothering and then feel bereft when we don’t receive enough unconditional love ourselves. Mars having already been here for a couple weeks is increasing the hurt feelings and occasional outbursts of unchanneled anger. Good communication is more important now than ever. Hopefully the past few months have been an opportunity for you to up level your skills here.

This week for you begins with some work around the house, tending to the details, organizing and cleaning your space. This is also an excellent time to clean up your mental space with some meditation and breathwork. The 31st into the morning of the 2nd is a time to focus on your relationship(s) and finding peace and harmony. The 2nd & 3rd bring you into the Full Moon in Scorpio, which will be transformational and possibly uncomfortable at times. Sit with that discomfort and recognize what you cannot control.

The week starts off for you in the realm of what you love. Enjoy herbal remedies, cleaning your body temple, artistic endeavors and playful fun. On the 31st your ruling planet joins Mars in Cancer, bringing you and your relationships into the realm of learning new skills around love, boundaries and sharing your feelings. The 31st into the 2nd is an opportunity to take care of some details, particularly interpersonal ones and the 2nd and 3rd bring you into the Full Moon in Scorpio, your house of partnerships and relations with others.

The week begins with a focus on your home and how that contributes to your value and values. The 31st into the 2nd you will find yourself immersed in what you love most that brings you into your creativity. The 2nd and 3rd bring you into the Full Moon in Scorpio, and the difficult task of facing your fear and dealing with your emotions. You may find yourself feeling like a victim of circumstance, and finances could feel troubling too. Remember that sometimes what we think is a dragon is nothing more than a bug in the shadows.

The week begins with a focus on learning new things and feeling how much you can make happen with your own two hands. The 31st into the 2nd is all about home and trying to create peace within. Notice where you choose not to look and if what you are ignoring is a source of discontent. The 2nd & 3rd bring you into the Full Moon in Scorpio which will be highlighting your creativity, relationship to children and anything you love like a child.

The week starts off with you being aware of your finances and values and perhaps any disappointment you feel around that, as well as some confusion or lack of attention. As the week moves forward, on the 31st, you will be drawn into your ego identity, competition and learning new things. On the 2nd the Moon moves into your 4th house of home, inner peace and the mother and the Full Moon will be here on the 3rd. Notice where you feel loss and see if you can shift that to letting go.

The week begins with your heart on your sleeve and your place in society feeling like a big part of your identity. On the 31st, the Moon moves into Libra and you will be laser focused on your value and perhaps seeing the exact reason you can feel unworthy. The 2nd brings the Moon into Scorpio, where we are emotional and turbulent. June 3rd is the Full Moon in Jyestha and it is bringing you into your ego, will and sense of competition. It is also an excellent time to learn new things, like how to be vulnerable particularly with your fears and emotions.

The week starts off with your head in the clouds and the feeling of disappointment around your career and status and perhaps a desire to escape. As the week moves forward on the 31st, you will find that very same status and reputation is now being worn as a badge of honor on your person. There may be some hidden disappointments however and note that what you choose to ignore, will often jump up and bite you! This is also the day your ruling planet, Venus, enters your 10th house joining Mars, your partner planet. How you show up for your external responsibilities will be a major theme for the next few weeks and how that can bring you closer to others or into arguments and disagreements. The Full Moon on June 3rd brings you into a reflection on your finances, values and your own inherent value.

The week begins with you noticing how many blessings you receive from community and showing up for the details of your highest vision for society.  On the 31st your planet of relationships, Venus Jons your ruler Mars in Cancer. This can bring some higher meaning to your relationships, but it can also be a pity party where everyone feels like a victim. The 31st brings the Moon into your 12th house of escape, disappointment and surrender. This can feel like loss, or like letting go. You choose. The Full Moon on June 3rd is a reflection on you and how you show up in relationships and in relation to your ideals and beliefs.

The week starts off with you feeling into your career, responsibilities and status/recognition. You may experience some unexpected twists of fate here. Note where you are missing important details and take care of them. The 31st brings you into community and your highest vision for society. On the 2nd the Moon transits into Scorpio, in your 12th house. The Full Moon on the 3rd is a reflection of the disappointment and loss you experience when you check out or fall into old habits and how you can learn to willingly release things when they are finished or not in full alignment with your heart.

The week starts off with you experiencing your highest self with your partner or other relationships. On the 31st, you have the Moon shift into your 10th house of status and recognition and responsibilities, and also your planet of career and creativity shift into your house of relationships. Your relationships can become like a life raft for you, but be mindful not to confuse unconditional and conditional love, as one goes to children and the other goes to lovers. The Full Moon on June 3rd reflects your relationship to community and how that relates to your creativity and what you love.

The week starts off with you feeling the transformation that occurs when you tend to the minutiae. On the 31st the ruler of your house of home and also higher wisdom moves into your 6th house and you may be feeling how much work and service is required to maintain your peace and purpose. This day the Moon also transits into your 9th house, illuminating for you exactly where you do and do not compromise and if it is serving you. The 2nd brings the Moon into your 10th house of Scorpio and the Full Moon on the 3rd reflects back to you your status and recognition and how you show up for your outside responsibilities.

The week starts off with you focused on your relationships and the love and creativity that sparks from tending to the details. On the 31st you will experience some transformation as you are asked to look where you have been actively avoiding; and lean into any fears you may have about the unexpected. The Full Moon on the 3rd in Scorpio is bringing you a reflection of faith, wisdom, and beliefs and reminding you that nothing really happens by one person alone.

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