New Moon in Pisces, Revati Nakshatra

April 1st, 2022

The New Moon takes place in sidereal Pisces in the area of the sky called Revati Nakshatra.

We are at a turning point, with many planets changing signs in April. This is a month of change in our approach and groundbreaking events.  It is a powerful time when we are floating between endings and new beginnings.

The new moon falls in sidereal Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. The general theme of letting go, finishing a long cycle and preparing for the next. Change can be scary, but trust in the universe and let it guide you into a new time and new self…yet to be discovered.

As the last of the 27 Nakshatra’s Revati, has meanings of completion.

This is also the new moon that sparks the growth cycle for the upcoming year and is considered to be the Vedic New Year.

Revati, a Nakshatra that has traits that are mild and nurturing. Its associated deity is Pushan, who is a protector and a giver of assistance as we prepare to journey into a new cycle.

This is a good time to focus on tying up loose ends, letting go of things you cannot control. May this new moon bring you peace and happiness.

Shobana Cooke Wellness

Shobana Cooke Wellness

Holistic Wellness using Homeopathy, Yoga, Astrology and Tarot

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