June 28, 2022
The New Moon takes place in sidereal Gemini in as area of the sky called Ardra Nakshatra or constellation.
Theme for the next 30 days
Symbolized as a tear-drop, the lunar mansion of Ardra (‘the Moist’) Nakshatra, has meanings of a purification that is borne out of turbulent experiences and strong emotions. Its associated deity is Rudra (‘The Howler’), a god of storm who encourages catharsis.
These qualities suggest that the coming days will see these chaotic and transformative qualities.
The Moon is destabilized through its placement in a specific fateful degree, mrityu-bhag (Point of Death).

The Moon sign of Gemini, whose ruling planet Mercury sits in the 12th house of expenditure and loss. This suggests that some form of expenditure or loss will be tied in with Ardra Nakshatra’s agitating effect.
The next 30 days may also see an atmosphere of inspiration and new possibilities that have a stabilizing effect.
This is because there is a very powerful convergence in the sky currently, where many planets transit their own signs. Here Mars in it its own sign of Aries, Jupiter is in Pisces, Venus is in Taurus, and Saturn is Aquarius. Collectively, this may be a reflection of the more-complete return to active and goal-focused post-pandemic life. Individually, this may be a time when steady attention goes readily towards personal aspirations and goals to fulfill.