Written by Jamie Epstein
Draw Interest, not Blood
It’s Tuesday, September 10, & Moon is in Scorpio, moving from the starspace or Nakshatra called Jyeshtha. Scorpio is where we can get sucked into the sturm und drang, the drama & trauma, of our lives, pulled so far under the surface of life that we lose our bearings, as we can by an ocean wave, & can’t tell up from down. Scorpio is where our distorted, irrational emotions make us shiver & shake with fear. Thank goodness for ruling planet mars, who gives us the courage to face our fears & thus release their hold on us.
“If we have too many worries, fears & doubts, we have no room for living & loving. We need to practice letting go.”—Thich Nhat Hanh
Jyeshtha is ruled by Indra, chief of the gods, & gives us the power to overcome all negative tendencies/forces, to fight & win, to keep improving, evolving, striving for perfection. This asterism brings a lesson about true power lying in self-mastery, in controlling our senses (our Indriyas!), not in controlling others, which involves self-awareness & humility.
It’s the seventh lunar day (tithi), the seventh phase of the waxing moon, until just before noon MDT, then the eighth. while the seventh tithi supports us with indra-like confidence, the eighth is where that light is matched by darkness, where the moon is half light & half dark, where we are reminded that there is no light without darkness, where our doubts & limiting beliefs might come out to play. The eighth tithi supports us in embracing our polar opposites.
Tuesday is ruled by Mars, our warrior spirit, who is in thinky Mercury’s sign of Gemini these days, inviting us to use our heads rather than our arms, to wield intelligent words rather than weapons, to engage in the civil battle of debate (& there is one tonight in the states, altho hard to imagine it’s going to be civil!), to draw interest rather than blood. People are hotted up all over the world about the states of their worlds these days. If we don’t like what’s going on, don’t like the narrative we’re being force-fed, we can, as Arundhati Roy has said, deprive it of oxygen, fight back by telling “stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.”
And that’s your daily bliss! which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.