Written by Jamie Epstein
Conscious Compassion Is a Win-Win
It’s Tuesday, September 3, & Moon is in Leo, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Purvaphalguni until midafternoon, then Uttaraphalguni. Leo vibrates with the frequency of the divine masculine (I’m not talking gender but energy, expression), with our kingly (queenly/quingly) ability to take our seat on the throne, lead & protect, take responsibility for what & whom we rule. With Saturn in Aquarius, opposite Sun in Leo, staring him down, we may be second-guessing ourselves, be shy about expressing the fullness of our power. Feel fainthearted rather than lionhearted.
Purvaphalguni & Uttaraphalguni are related not just by the word “guni,” which means “fruits,” aka “results,” but also by their deities. While Purva is ruled by Bhaga & Uttara by Aryaman, it used to be the opposite (& some people still consider it to be so), with Purva ruled by Aryaman & Uttara by Bhaga. Anyhoo, Bhaga is the god of delight/pleasure, Aryaman of contracts, especially marriage contracts, & blesses them if they are based on what is mutually beneficial for both parties, what will bring enduring happiness & satisfaction to both. So we’re talking relationships, & as I mentioned yesterday, Venus, planet of relationships, is way under the weather these days. The cure for what ails Venus is compromise (which doesn’t mean self-sacrifice!) & conscious compassion (for those we’re negotiating with & for ourselves), not more criticism. both of which are a win for “me” & a win for “thee.” Try it & see if you don’t raise the vibration of the agreements you make with partners, whether business, romantic, platonic or familial.
It’s the first lunar day (tithi), the first phase of the waxing Moon, so we are still feeling into our intention for the waxing cycle, meditating on best practices to manifest what we mean to, still finessing it, letting the light in. How’s that going?
Tuesday is ruled by the fiery warrior mars, whose energy is best used to attack our inner demons (negative, limiting beliefs, anyone?) or to fight for noble causes, rather than turn our friends & lovers & neighbors into enemies. With Mars staring down debilitated Venus right now, we may feel challenged not to turn our fire & ire on others. If you can’t meet that challenge, go for a run, weed the garden, clean out the basement. b/c as Radhanath Swami says, “resentment, hatred & vengefulness are like scolding [scalding?!] fires that burn our virtues & spiritual qualities to dust.”
And that’s your daily bliss! Which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.