Thursday: Guided by Jupiter, Our Guru of Wisdom and Inner Clarity

Written by Jamie Epstein


It’s Thursday, July 11, & Moon is in Virgo, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Uttaraphalguni. If Leo is about being center stage, Virgo is about being backstage. Virgo vibrates with the frequency of the details that hold our life together like glue. Virgo is the task-master, inviting us to tidy up & organize, check items off our to-do list. it’s where we take care of all the unsexy stuff—unless, of course, you’re a Virgo, b/c Virgos get just a little turned on by making doctors’ appointments, balancing checkbooks & cleaning out closets, lol!

Uttaraphalguni is the counterpart to yesterday’s Purvaphalguni & is associated with the contracts we make, especially but not necessarily those for marriage—first we delight in someone (Purva), then we commit (Uttara). This asterism is ruled by Aryaman, who blesses agreements that are made with the highest interests of both (all) parties—he guarantees that if that is so, the union (romantic or business or whatever) will be fruitful (remember: “Phalguni” = “fruit”), successful.

It’s the sixth lunar day (tithi), the sixth phase of the waxing Moon, which gives us the confidence to overcome negative tendencies (like perfectionism, which is a Virgo theme fo’ sure!) that might be preventing us from making our dream a reality.

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, whose Sanskrit name is “guru,” the one who rids of us ignorance, gives us wisdom. Guru can be anyone or anything that lifts the scales from our eyes, lets us see clearly. In spiritual traditions it’s a teacher, but/& it is said that we need a teacher only until we realize that we are our own teacher, the source of true knowing. A real guru connects us to the divine within.

“If you find a man & you feel that you have found your master, that simply shows that in his voice, in his being, there is a reflection of that still, small voice of god. The guru outside you is but a mirror. He reflects you, reflects god. And the real master will throw you back to yourself. The real guru will not bind you to himself, b/c the real guru is life itself, the real guru is god himself.”—Osho

Who reflects who you really are back to you?

And that’s your daily bliss! Which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.

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