Written by Jamie Epstein
It’s Thursday, October 31, & Moon is in Libra, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Chitra until early afternoon mountain time, then swati, where we have the new moon overnight. And it’s Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, & halloween, when the veil between this world & the one beyond is said to be thin as thin. It’s a busy day!
Libra is where Sun is debilitated. Sun is our soul, our soul(ar) battery, so when Sun is in Libra we have a tendency to feel less than, feel disconnected from our soul’s light, also less self-centered, more humble, which can be a good thing for our relationships—& libra is all about relationships.
Not surprisingly perhaps, Libra is associated with our heart chakra, inviting us to connect more deeply to our heart-truth, uplevel spiritually. With the external light virtually invisible, we get to remember that the light within is always shining.
Especially now, given the political & social & cultural mayhem in the world, we may (or is it just me?!) have a tendency to see doom & gloom everywhere we look, to hew toward negativity & pessimism rather than optimism & positivity, to lose our way in the dark. thus Diwali.
After years of living in exile in the forest, Rama & Sita returned home to ayodhya, where the people were so overjoyed that they lit their way with candles in welcome, lest they lose their way in the dark.
One of the Shanti (peace) mantras reminds us to hew toward the light:
asato mā sad gamaya
tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
mṛtyormā’mṛtaṃ gamaya
from untruth & delusion lead me to what is true & real.
from darkness & obscurity lead me to light.
from mortality lead me to what is immortal.
“If you wish for light, you need to be ready to receive light”—Rumi
May mars gazing at Sun & Moon now give us the courage to be the light, to discern what’s real from what’s not, to remember that light always vanquishes darkness. And do light a candle (not to be blasphemous, but jack o’ lanterns count!) at dusk to remind yourself of that light!