Written by Jamie Epstein
It’s Friday, October 11, & Moon is in Capricorn, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Uttarashadha. Capricorn vibrates with the frequency of taking care of business, of the business of our life, which may or may not entail our actual business-business. For after the inspiration instilled by Jupiter’s rulership of Sag, Saturn’s rulership of Capricorn wants us to take positive action on it, get serious, put our nose to the grindstone. Saturn reminds us that time waits for no one, even you & me, that the clock is always ticking & that we get only so much time to get ‘er done, & that it’s time.
“This is how it is done—how anything is done. One moment, then the next, then the next. This is how this book is being written: I type this word, then this one, then this one. The words build sentences. the sentences build a paragraph. A book is impossible, but a word & then another word is not. A lifetime of sobriety was impossible, but a moment was not. I was doing it, & I was doing it, & I was doing it again.”—Laura Mckowen
What positive action can you take today? What would taking one step closer to your goal look like?
Uttarashadha, as its name suggests, is the counterpart to yesterday’s Purvashadha. While Purva is the recognition of that thing inside us that wants to be born, the kernal or seed of inspiration, Uttara invites us to nourish it, to coax that acorn into an oak tree whose branches reach heaven.
It’s the ninth lunar day (tithi), the ninth phase of the waxing Moon, which is associated with serpent energy. In Vedic mythology, serpents both contain poison & are harbingers of wisdom, for wisdom results from transforming our poison/toxicity/negativity, defanging it by examining it, asking it why it is arising, what it has to teach us.
Friday is ruled by Venus, planet of love & harmony, which is why Friday—not Saturday, ruled by fuddy-duddy Saturn—is considered Vedic date night. And Venus is in his/her/their home sign of relationshipy libra for one more day, before heading into the emotionally turbulent waters of scorpio, so let’s do take advantage of the good vibes to do what we love with the ones we love, or just what we love, whatever floats our joy boat, with or without.
And that’s your daily bliss! Which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.