Written by Jamie Epstein
To-Do: Dance to Your Own Rhythm
It’s Monday, July 22, & Moon is in Capricorn, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Shravana until late morning, then Dhanishtha. Capricorn vibrates with the frequency of creating a solid container for our lives by erecting boundaries. ruling planet Saturn helps us do so through discipline & perseverance, by setting priorities & making sure we stick to them. One way to do that is with daily, weekly, monthly & yearly to-do lists. Moon doesn’t love being in sere Saturn’s sign, chafes a bit at being boundaried. Meanwhile, Sun is opposite in emotional Cancer, Moon’s sign (more below), where the lack of boundaries around our heart ain’t always a good thing. Do you need to create a safer container for your life or your heart or both?
Shravana brings a lesson about deep listening, about connecting to nada, which is sound or vibration. everything is vibration. Some vibration is perceptible through our ears, some through our eyes, some through touch, some through our soul. The more we refine our ability to hear, the more we refine our ability to receive intel from the universe. Dhanishtha is also connected to sound, to following the beat of our inner drummer, being in tune with the rhythm of nature. Which is how we manifest abundance in our life, feel rich.
“Man was born to be rich, or grow rich by the use of his faculties, by the union of thought with nature.”—Emerson
It’s the second lunar day (tithi), the second phase of the waning moon, which supports us in grounding the inspiration sparked by the full moon in Uttarashadha, to that thing inside us that cannot be denied, that we must manifest before we leave this planet. What is that for you? How’s that project coming?
Monday is ruled by intuitive & heart-knowing moon. Jupiter is exalted, operates with max intelligence, in Moon’s sign of Cancer, reminding us that our heart is our greatest source of wisdom. It’s a good day to trust your inner knowing. Because Moon is always on the move, always waxing or waning, shape-shifting, You might say, it’s also a good day to engage in activities that you want to perpetuate, that you want to keep returning to. but maybe not go to an airport … unless you want to keep returning to one!
And that’s your daily bliss! which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.