Friday: Venus in Leo – Embrace Love, Art, and Creativity

Written By Jamie Epstein

Make Art, Not War

It’s Friday, August 9, & Moon is in Virgo, in the starspace called Hasta until midafternoon, then Chitra. Virgo brings our attention to practices & routines concerning anything from finances to health to home to spirituality to general well-being. with ruling planet mercury retrograde (I know, you’re tired of hearing me remind you!) until just after labor day, we get to revisit & rethink, then revise & commit to new, improved habits if necessary, or to recommit to old ones if we’ve fallen off the wagon. Whichever house Virgo represents in your chart is where you most need to focus—if you’re a Leo, it’s the second house of finances; a gemini, fourth house of home—but/& wherever you can clean up the fine print of your life works!

Hasta (see yesterday’s post for more) invites us to remember that we are a vehicle for the divine to flow through us & out our hands, while Chitra invites us into the energy of Tvashtar, the divine architect, & thus into the divine architect within. Tvashtar famously designed the armed & dangerous airborne chariot rama flew into battle against the demon Ravana. it was both useful & beautiful, had enduring value. How does that resonate with you?

“Our creativity is none of our business. it is a given, not something to be aspired to,” says Julia Cameron. “it is … a natural function of our soul. we are intended to … listen and create. … what we do need is the intention to allow creativity to create through us. when we open ourselves to something or someone greater than ourselves working through us, we paradoxically open ourselves to our own greatest selves.”

It’s the fifth lunar day (tithi), the fifth phase of the waxing moon, until later midafternoon, then the sixth. while the fifth tithi helps us focus on our goals, the sixth helps us actually manifest them & vibes better with Friday than the fifth re accomplishing what we mean to. So spend most of your day refining your goals, then hit them hard for real later this afternoon.

Friday is ruled by Venus, planet of love & art, who is hanging out in Leo, making it all about “me,” & has been close to retrograde mercury for the past couple days. Get fired up about creativity not about being under appreciated. listen, really listen, to the ones you love.

And that’s your daily bliss! Which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.

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